Tread Mill Test in Bhiwandi

Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Care is the best place for you if you are looking for a Tread Mill Test in Bhiwandi.

Searching for Cardiac stress test in Bhiwandi. ? Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Care provides the best services. Book an appointment now.

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    Tread Mill Test in Bhiwandi

    Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Care is the best place for you if you are looking for a Tread Mill Test in Bhiwandi. Priority in interventional cardiology and patient care. The Tread Mill Test of Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Clinic is made in a controlled environment to ensure you have a healthy, happy, and stress-free information as possible. For, Tread Mill Test in Bhiwandi with advanced resources and reliable service. Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Clinic is a place to consider.

    What is a treadmill test?


    During a Tread Mill Test, your heart rate, blood pressure, and electrocardiograph (ECG) are monitored.


    During a Tread Mill Test, your heart rate, blood pressure, and electrocardiograph (ECG) are monitored.


    Exercise stress tests are performed to find out how your heart responds to physical stress or strenuous activity, such as exercise. The test is known as a stress test, Tread Mill Test, heart stress test, exercise electrocardiogram, treadmill test, scheduled exercise test, or stress electrocardiogram (ECG).


    During a Tread Mill Test, your heart rate, blood pressure, and electrocardiograph (ECG) are monitored while you are walking fast on the treadmill or riding a stationary bike.



    When is a Tread Mill Test used?


    Treadmill testing is used to:


    • Check your heart rate during exercise
    • Know if your chest pain is caused by a heart problem
    • See how well your heart medication is working
    • Check the effectiveness of cardiac procedures such as angioplasty or bypass surgery that you have experienced for coronary heart disease.
    • Predicting your risk of heart disease
    • Decide on a personalized and safe exercise program

    How can you prepare for a Tread Mill Test?


    To pass your Tread Mill Test that is, to have a successful Tread Mill Test, you need to avoid the following at least three hours before the test:


    • Eat or drink anything but water
    • Eat anything that contains caffeine
    • Use of tobacco in any form


    Additionally, the following safety precautions are required before testing:


    • If you use a medical inhaler, take it with you on the day of your test.
    • Wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
    • Take away all your important things and leave them at home.

    How can you prepare for a Tread Mill Test?

    Your test will take place in a stress laboratory before a doctor.

    Electrodes will be placed in different places on your chest. These are attached to an electrocardiograph (EKG) monitor that monitors your electrical activity during the test.

    Before you start exercising, the specialist will take your EKG, heart rate, and blood pressure.

    Next, you will walk on a treadmill, a speed that will gradually increase until you feel tired.

    If you experience extreme fatigue, dizziness, light-headedness, arm or jaw pain, or chest pain or discomfort, you need to inform your specialist.

    The specialist will stop the test if he or she sees any abnormal changes in the EKG monitor.

    After the test, you will be supposed to walk slowly for a few minutes to cool down.

    The whole visit will take about 60 minutes, and the exercise time is usually between 7 and 12 minutes.

    What can you expect after a Tread Mill Test?


    Your treadmill test results can be positive, negative, or negative, as described below.

    Negative Tread Mill Test : This is a routine test that suggests you are less likely to have a significant coronary artery disease (more than 70% obstruction of the coronary arteries).


    Tread Mill Test : This result indicates that you may have significant coronary artery disease. This confirms further testing.


    Incomplete Tread Mill Test: You get this result when you cannot finish the test due to premature fatigue.
    Cardiologists will combine the results of your stress test with your medical history and complaints to confirm you have heart disease. If you have them, they may decide on an alternative treatment.

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