Balloon valvuloplasty in Bhiwandi

Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Care is the best place for you if you are looking for Balloon valvuloplasty in Bhiwandi.

Searching for a Balloon valvuloplasty in Bhiwandi? Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Care provides the best services. Book an appointment now.

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    Coronary Angioplasty in Bhiwandi

    Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Care is the best place for you if you are looking for Balloon valvuloplastyin Bhiwandi. Priority in interventional cardiology and patient care.

    The Balloon valvuloplasty of Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Clinic is made in a controlled environment to ensure you have a healthy, happy, and stress-free information as possible.

    For, Balloon valvuloplasty Bhiwandi with advanced resources and reliable service. Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Clinic is a place to consider.


    Why do I need balloon valvuloplasty?


    Valvuloplasty can be performed to open a tight heart valve. However, not all cases in which the heart valve becomes hard are treated with valvuloplasty.

    If the heart valves are damaged or diseased, they may not function properly. Potential conditions for heart valves are valvular stenosis (hard valve) and valvular regurgitation (leaky valve). If one (or more) valve (s) become hard, the heart muscle must work hard to pump blood through the valve. Sturdy valves may be caused by infection (such as rheumatic fever or staphylococcus infections), birth defects, and aging. If one or more valves are leaking, the blood leaks out and a small amount of blood is transfused properly.

    Cardiovascular disease can cause the following symptoms:

    • Dizziness
    • Chest pain
    • Breathing hard
    • Heartbeat
    • Obesity quickly due to fluid retention
    • There may be other reasons for your doctor to recommend valvuloplasty.



    • Get directions to balloon valvuloplasty.
    • Explain the procedure for balloon valvuloplasty.
    • Remember the potential problems of balloon valvuloplasty.
    • Discuss team expertise strategies to improve the integration of care and communication to improve balloon valvuloplasty and improve outcomes.



    Various complications are associated with balloon valvuloplasty. The following are some of the major problems:


    • Haemorrhage or hematoma formation at the site of catheter insertion
    • Infection in the catheter area
    • Ship damage due to multiple piercing attempts
    • Compare dye allergies
    • Arrhythmia
    • Stroke
    • Valve rupture requires open-heart surgery
    • Ventricular rupture
    • Valve renewal

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