ASD/PDA Device closure in Bhiwandi

Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Care is the best place for you if you are looking for ASD/PDA Device closure in Bhiwandi.

Searching for an ASD/VSD/PDA Device closure in Bhiwandi? Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Care provides the best services. Book an appointment now.

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    ASD/PDA Device closure in Bhiwandi


    Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Care is the best place for you if you are looking for ASD/PDA Device closure in Bhiwandi. Priority in interventional cardiology and patient care.


    The ASD/PDA Device closure of Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Clinic is made in a controlled environment to ensure you have a healthy, happy, and stress-free information as possible.


    For, ASD/PDA Device closure in Bhiwandi with advanced resources and reliable service. Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Clinic is a place to consider.

    What is ASD?


    The ASD (atrial septal defect) is a hole in the lining between the two chambers of the heart. The Right Atrium contains Deoxygenated blood and, as such, is sent to the lungs for purification after passing through the Right Ventricle. At Atrial Septal Disorder, there is a small hole in the wall that separates the atria, called the atrial septum. As a result, Oxygen-rich blood leaks from the left atrium to the right leading to recurrent blood flow. As a result, the right atrium is filled with more activity as oxygen-rich and deoxygenated blood clots, resulting in more pressure on the right atrium to send more blood to the lungs.


    General signs and symptoms of ASD


    Common symptoms include heart palpitations as excessive blood flow to the lungs


    • Shortness of breath,
    • Fatigue easily after exercise,
    • Heart palpitations, etc.


    These symptoms may appear early in life and may manifest themselves in adulthood.

    Patients with ASD are often advised to shut down the device before symptoms worsen and irreversible changes occur in the heart.

    What is a PDA?


    Patent means ‘open’. And the ductus arteriosus is a common blood vessel. Thus, in a nutshell, there is an abnormal opening in the normal blood vessels. In a normal human heart, the Aorta supplies oxygen to the rest of the body and the arteries carry oxygen-free blood to the lungs.


    Both blood vessels are separate from each other. When a baby is in the womb, there is a small duct that connects the aorta to the artery, which is normal. This tiny passage is called the Ductus Arteriosus. Because; the baby’s lungs begin to function only at birth. It continues to receive pure blood flow from the placenta and its mother. When a baby is born, the ductus arteriosus closes within one day and in some cases, up to one year.


    An error is detected when the opening is not closed and the Aorta & pulmonary artery still has open communication between you. As a result, oxygen-rich blood from the aorta leaks into the lungs, leading to increased pressure on the lungs. The long-term prognosis of a PDA device shut-off either by surgery or by device closure is prominent.


    General signs and symptoms of PDA


    Children with severe PDAs may have symptoms such as:


    • A binding heartbeat
    • Breathing fast
    • Malnutrition
    • Shortness of breath
    • Sweating while breastfeeding

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