24 Hour Holter Monitoring in Bhiwandi

Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Care is the best place for you if you are looking for 24 Hour Holter Monitoring in Bhiwandi

Looking for 24 hr Holter Monitoring Test in Bhiwandi? Suraksha Heart Clinic provides the best services. Book an appointment now.

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    24 Hour Holter Monitoring in Bhiwandi

    Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Care is the best place for you if you are looking for 24 Hour Holter Monitoring in Bhiwandi. Priority in interventional cardiology and patient care.

    The 24 Hour Holter Monitoring of Dr. Hammad’s Cardiac Clinicis made in a controlled environment to ensure you have as healthy, happy, and stress-free information as possible.

    For, 24 Hour Holter Monitoring in Bhiwandi with advanced resources and reliable service. Dr. Hammad’s Cardiac Clinic is a place to consider.

    24 Hour Holter Monitoring


    A small battery electron electrocardiogram (ECG) is attached to the body. This guards a person’s heart as he goes about his daily activities.
    When people report symptoms of heart problems, doctors often use ECGs to help diagnose the problem.


    A normal ECG shows a summary of the total electrical activity of the heart. If the summary is insufficient, the doctor may request Holter monitoring for 24 hours.The Holter monitor adheres to the body in the same way as a normal ECG. The small device consists of small electrical wires with electrodes connected to the chest areas.

    The doctor may order Holter’s appointment for 12, 24, or 48 hours, depending on the symptoms and how often they occur.



    A physician may request Holter’s appointment if a person has symptoms such as these:


    • Rapid or slow heartbeat
    • Dizziness
    • Weakness or fatigue
    • He felt out of breath
    • Chest pain
    • A burning sensation in the heart
    • Un even heart beat
    • A feeling of skipping a heartbeat
    • Dizziness while using a pacemaker


    Most heart problems occur only occasionally throughout the day, and a person can’t be in a doctor’s office when problems occur.This is one benefit of Holter’s ongoing monitoring. The caregiver can record the matter whenever it occurs, helping doctors to identify the underlying problem.

    The Holter device can also help monitor people with acquired heart conditions as they go about their daily life. It is usually more comfortable with this arrangement than with a long hospital stay.

    In addition, a physician may administer Holter 24-hour surveillance to evaluate a person’s response to medication for heart problems.

    How to use

    Using a 24-hour Holter monitor is easy, though it may seem complicated. The monitor is small enough to fit in the palm and is usually worn around the neck or waist.


    Several power lines, called trackers, connect the unit to electrodes connected to the body.


    The technician will attach the electrodes to the skin with adhesive gel to hold them in place and ensure an accurate reading. If there is hair in the area, a specialist may need to cut it before confirming the electrodes.


    The metal on the electrodes takes on the function of the heart as electrical signals. The electrodes then transmit signals to the monitor, which records them.


    Electrodes can crack or fall off, and it is important to reattach them.

    Tips and what to expect

    People continued with their daily activities as usual during Holter 24-hour surveillance.


    The doctor will explain what to expect and how to use a particular type of monitoring. The typical tips below can help prevent erroneous reading and prevent a person from having another test.


    Avoid bathing, showering, and swimming while wearing a Holter monitor. A person can use wet detergents or bath towels and soap to clean areas such as the face, armpits, buttocks, and hips. However, it is important to avoid wetting the monitor, lead, or electrodes.


    If not, most people are asked to make their days as usual while doing a 24-hour Holter test. This includes doing any regular exercise unless it involves excessive sweating or wetting the area of ​​the device.


    During the test, the person will go to school or work as usual. The doctor may also ask them to cut down on alcohol or caffeine.


    A person should record his daily activities and any symptoms he may be experiencing. Recognizing when chest pain starts, for example, can help physicians determine where to look first when describing the results.


    The person should also record the following information about what happened when the symptoms appeared:

    • What they were doing
    • Any food they had just eaten
    • Whether they had just drunk
    • Stress levels
    • Whether they were working or resting
    • It is also helpful to check that the electrodes are still attached throughout the day. An open or separated electrode can make readings incorrect. 


    Avoid high voltage areas while wearing a monitor, as magnetic or electric fields can make reading less accurate. Avoid strong magnets, such as those on MRI scanners and metal detectors.


    Some electrical appliances may interfere with the operation of the Holter monitor. The doctor may recommend avoiding things like electric toothbrushes, razors, microwaves, and cell phones while using the monitor.


    The 24-hour Holter monitor test is non-invasive. It may be frustrating, but testing does not pose a serious risk.


    The only possible risk is skin irritation when electrodes are attached to the body. Anyone who is allergic to glue or adhesives should notify their doctor. A specialist may be able to use a different material to attach electrodes to the body.

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