24 Hour BP Monitoring in Bhiwandi

Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Care is the best place for you if you are looking for 24 Hour BP Monitoring in Bhiwandi.

Searching for a 24 Hour BP Monitoring in Bhiwandi? Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Care provides the best services. Book an appointment now.

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    24 Hour BP Monitoring in Bhiwandi

    Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Care is the best place for you if you are looking for 24 Hour BP Monitoring in Bhiwandi. Priority in interventional cardiology and patient care.


    The 24 Hour BP Monitoring of Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Clinic is made in a controlled environment to ensure you have a healthy, happy, and stress-free information as possible.


    For, 24 Hour BP Monitoring in Bhiwandi with advanced resources and reliable service. Dr.Hammad’s Cardiac Clinic is a place to consider.

    What is a 24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring?


    A 24-hour Blood Pressure Monitoring (BPM) involves measuring your blood pressure periodically within 24 hours as you walk, performing your normal daily activities. It uses a small digital blood pressure machine attached to a belt around your body and attached to a cuff around your upper arm. It is small enough that you can continue with your normal daily life and sleep with it.


    What are the benefits of a 24-hour BPM?


    Blood pressure tests are usually done only when you are at the clinic. These readings may not reflect your normal blood pressure as the act of taking a person’s blood pressure may cause depression, leading to higher false reading (‘white-coat hypertension). The abnormalities of such clinical measurements may not provide enough information about your blood pressure profile, especially if you have difficulty controlling medication. Monitoring home blood pressure while it is often helpful, is also limited to how often you monitor it, the accuracy of home BP machines, and user error.

    Separate data provided by BPM for 24 hours includes:

    During a Blood Pressure Monitoring Test, what happens?

    Your arm is fitted with a blood pressure cuff. It’s linked to an automated blood pressure monitor that takes readings every half hour during the day and every hour at night. When you return the monitor, the results are analyzed to determine your blood pressure averages for the day, night, and 24 hours.

    • Average 24 Hour Blood Pressure (BP)
    • Daytime Hypertensive (Awake).
    • Nighttime (sleep) is a measure of BP
    • Blood pressure – is defined as the percentage of ambulatory systolic and diastolic BP above 140 mmHg and 90 mmHg respectively during the day, and 120 mmHg and 80 mmHg respectively at bedtime. This is a powerful factor in your cardiovascular risk
    • Nocturnal BP dipping – defined as a decrease in BP of at least 15% of daytime values at bedtime. BP failure at night immersion is a risk factor in developing heart failure and other heart problems.


    Based on the information provided, a doctor will be able to diagnose and treat the following conditions deliberately and scientifically:

    Hypertension “white coat”.


    When BP levels are high in the doctor’s office but fall within the normal range when taken home.

    Unknown hypertension


    This occurs when BP levels were taken at the doctor’s office and home exceed 140mmHg systolic (higher reading) and 90mmHg diastolic (reading below).

    Resistance to high blood pressure


    When many antihypertensive drugs fail to adequately control high blood pressure.

    Hidden hypertension


    When clinical BP levels fall within an acceptable range, the blood pressure level is actually above an acceptable range.

    Nocturnal hypertension

    When daytime BP levels are normal but at very low levels at night.

    Hypotensive symptoms

    When patients experience symptoms such as coma due to excessive BP with high blood pressure medications

    Who will benefit from this test?

    • Patients with high blood pressure white coat
    • It avoids unnecessary initiation of antihypertensive drugs and their side effects
    • Patients with known hypertension
    • To see how well your medication works to give you smooth and accurate BP control for 24 hours
    • To see if you’re BP stays high at night when you are asleep. If so, your medication may need to be adjusted or adjusted
    • Patients with high blood pressure are poorly controlled or resistant
    • Especially in patients with high blood pressure (e.g. heart failure, heart failure, kidney failure, or stroke) despite taking anti-hypertensive drugs.

    What should I do during 24-hour BP monitoring?


    Because tests are performed to determine your daily blood pressure, it is important to continue with your normal routine and do all the things you normally do.

    The only things you should avoid doing during the day are swimming and bathing or showering

    You will be notified not to remove the machine within 24 hours

    To allow the machine to operate properly, it is important to ensure that the tube in the machine is not twisted or bent. And, just before the machine is about to read, it’ll cry. If this happens you should:

    • Sit down, if possible
    • keep the cuff at the level which is similar to your heart
    • keep your arm strong
    • You will also be asked to keep a diary of what you did just before the reading, when you went to bed and when you woke up, and when and when you took the medication.

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